Planet of the Humans

Here is comment, on the movie, from a friend of mine.
“I watched it. In seems to make a pretty good case that, for the most part, the “green” movement is a scam, fake news and, in some cases, counter productive.
Though they don’t emphasize it much in the movie, it seems that the main problem is overpopulation. We need better viruses to cull the population,(sarcastic hyperbole). In 20 or 50 or 100 years, when the whole thing collapses, some humans will survive, but will exist for some unknowable period of time in a “dark age” of primitive existence. When a technological civilization reemerges, in the distant future, our progeny may proceed on a more sustainable basis, or just start the whole cycle over again. If we can’t figure a way to cull the herd, and begin a reversal of population growth, the forces of nature will do it for us and that will be ugly. But, I don’t see population reduction happening voluntarily, so I guess ugly will be happening eventually.
For the immediate future, it appears our only hope would be a quickly available new source of energy like fusion reactors, that can essentially provide unlimited sources of energy from water. But, even that would only allow the overpopulation to continue for a longer period of time. The crash would still come eventually. Infinite expansion on a finite planet just can’t work.
But the film sure would be depressing to all the young people that are so excited about the green movement. I am not sure if I should recommend it to Ma*** [his adopted daughter]. She needs the information but doesn’t need the depressing prognosis for her future or the fact that all the Earth Day rallies and environmental protests that she has been participating in, are mostly wasted efforts.”
- A Nice Beach Walk
- Easter Island