Maine Coast and Islands

July 2019

Deer Isle, Maine

“This Isle is like Avalon; it must disappear when you are not there.” John Steinbeck

Deer Isle is hard for me to describe. I felt strangely at home there, and yet, the Island felt like a strange magical place.

Deer Isle Hostel, Maine

A peaceful, quiet place where one can walk wooded trails along the shore and see the stars at night. The hostel is part of an off the grid homestead where the proprietors grow their own food, build with local wood and stone and try to live in harmony with the landscape. The guests share a communal dinner and socialize around an evening campfire. The hostel has unique compost heated shower, vegetable and flower gardens, an orchard and chickens.

Stonington, Deer Isle, Maine

Stonington, located on the southern portion of Deer Isle, is the island main town with a picturesque harbor and working waterfront .

New Harbor, Maine

New Harbor is a beautiful small fishing village. It is close to the Pemaquid Lighthouse and Fort William Henry and has been the setting for a few Hollywood films. A ferry to Monhegan Island departs daily from New Harbor.

Pemaquid Point, Maine

Pemaquid Point is the site of one of Maine’s most iconic lighthouses. It was built in 1835 at the entrance to Muscongus Bay and Johns Bay. The light and lighthouse keeper’s home and museum are preserved in a coastal park with views of Monhegan Island twelve miles out.

Monhegan Island, Maine

The island is a beautiful place with several walking trails. There many species of wildflowers, gnarled white pine trees and fields of waving grass, all with the Atlantic as a backdrop. The houses have picket fences and gardens filled with flowers. The island is also home to a large artist community.

3 thoughts on “Maine Coast and Islands

  1. Mike Donahue

    I wonder what these pictures would look like if I wasn’t there. You captured the essence of an adventure I’d like to repeat. Keep up the good work.

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